Our products are frozen immediately after production and do not lose their freshness.
Our products are processed in a highly hygienic environment and supported by our hygiene certificate.
Our products are baked and frozen in a hygienic environment without being touched by the hands.
Uzman ekibimiz ve profesyonel ustalarımızla yıllardır bu sektörde hizmet vermekteyiz.
In order to provide better service to our valued customers, our quality control team is in continuous supervision.
We provide service with our constantly renewed quality certificates. Altın Künefe has ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 quality certificates.
Follow us for detailed information.
Sweet künefe to say other than the eyes of the Altın Kunefe Yi easy to prepare. Thanks.
No need to wander around the place to eat the famous bakery of Hatay Thanks to the Altın Künefe.
Thanks to the Golden Künefe for offering us delicious flavors in a very practical way.
It is also quite easy to prepare the taste of the Golden Kunghe. Thank you.
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